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Friday, December 9, 2011

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Attacking Stress Anxiety & Depression The Midwest Center Master Kit! 2008 Edition Product Reatails for over 500 Dollars! Get it here For the best price possible! Features Jumpstart DVD, Coaching DVD, 5 Workbooks 18 Cds, Good days Vitamins, and much more! Introduction 1 Relaxation CD SessionBONUS CD "I Will Be There For You"BONUS CD "Feel Better Fast"5 Workbooksm, Jumpstart & Coaching DVD Series!!Coaching DVD for all 15 Sessions#1 Coaching Segments for The CD Sessions 1-41 Anxiety: Symptoms, Cause and Common Fears 2. Six Steps: that will put an end to panic attacks 3. Self Talk: The key to healthy self-esteem 4. Expectations: How to expect less and get more #2 Coaching Segments for The CD Sessions 5-85. Eat & Exercise to Minimize Anxiety & Depression. 6. Stop Being Angry and Control Your Mood Swings: 7. Assertive Behavior and Speak Confidently and Gain Respect: 8. Put an End to "What if Thinking"#3 Coaching Segments for The CD Sessions 9-129. Get Off the Guilt and Worry Treadmill 10. How to Stop Obsessive, Scary Thoughts 11. High Anxiety The Truth about Medications and Alcohol 12. The Courage to Change#4 Coaching Segments for The CD Sessions 13-1513. Time Management: 14. How to Keep Stress From Becoming Anxiety 15. Getting Beyond a Growth SpurtThe Lesson CD descriptions with Workbooks for each session are as Follows :1) Anxiety and Depression: 2) Six Steps That Will Put an End To Panic Attacks 3) Self Talk: 4) Expectations: How to Expect Less and Get More 5) Eat and Exercise To Rid Yourself of Anxiety and Depression 6) Stop Being Angry and Control Your Mood Swings 7) Assertive Behavior: 8) Put An End To "What If" Thinking 9) Get Off The Guilt and Worry Treadmill 10) How to Stop Obsessive, Scary Thoughts 11) Anxiety and Depression: The Truth About Medication and Alcohol. 12) The Courage To Change. 13) Time Management : 12 Steps Toward.... 14) How To Keep Stress From Becoming Anxiety 15) Getting Beyond A growth Spurt 16) RELAXATION CD/SESSION

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

How to Cure Depression

!: How to Cure Depression

Depression is a very real and treatable illness. Depression is just about the loneliest experience in the world. Depressed people, who are often poor communicators place more demands on a marriage with their greater need for caring and support and end up in unhappier marriages. Depression affects teenagers, pensioners and everyone in between; married people, single people, rich and poor. clinical depression affects 15% of the population, and a third of all women. Sometimes people become depressed for what seems like a good reason - maybe they lost their job or a close friend passed away - but with clinical depression there doesn't necessarily have to be a reason for how you feel. Depressive disorders come in different forms, just as is the case with other illnesses such as heart disease. Major depression is manifested by a combination of symptoms (see symptom list) that interfere with the ability to work, study, sleep, eat, and enjoy once pleasurable activities. Such a disabling episode of depression may occur only once but more commonly occurs several times in a lifetime. A less severe type of depression, dysthymia, involves long-term, chronic symptoms that do not disable, but keep one from functioning well or from feeling good.

Depression can coexist with other illnesses. Seasonal affective disorder may point to an atavistic link with behaviour in hibernation. In some families, depressive disorders seem to occur generation after generation; however, they can also occur in people with no family history of these illnesses. Many people with dysthymia also experience major depressive episodes at some time in their lives. Depression has been found to occur at a higher rate among people who have other serious illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, HIV, diabetes, and Parkinson's. Depression can increase the risks for developing coronary artery disease, HIV, asthma, and some other medical illnesses. Many people just don't realize that depression can cause so many problems or so much pain. Another type of depression is bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness. Not nearly as prevalent as other forms of depressive disorders, bipolar disorder is characterized by cycling mood changes: severe highs (mania) and lows (depression). Furthermore, it can increase the morbidity (illness) and mortality (death) from these conditions. Teens who were confused about their orientation were also more prone to suicide. Among these teens, boys were 3.4 times more likely and girls were 2.5 times more likely than teens to attempt suicide at least once in the past year.

Depression may occur only once in a person's life. Social conditions like poverty, homelessness, and community violence can make it more likely for people to become depressed. Two hallmarks of depression -- symptoms key to establishing are Loss of interest in normal daily activities. Depressed mood. You feel sad, helpless or hopeless, and may have crying spells. Depression symptoms are characterized not only by negative thoughts, moods, and behaviors, but also by specific changes in bodily functions (for example, irregular eating, sleeping, crying spells, and decreased libido). Sometimes the mood switches are dramatic and rapid, but most often they are gradual. Other symptoms of other psychological problems, such as anxiety, panic attacks, obsessions or phobias, which mask the depression. Women experience depression about twice as often as men.1 Many hormonal factors may contribute to the increased rate of depression in women particularly such factors as menstrual cycle changes, pregnancy, miscarriage, postpartum period, pre-menopause, and menopause. Treatment may also include psychotherapy, which may help you cope with ongoing problems that may trigger or contribute to depression. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem), paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), citalopram (Celexa) and escitalopram (Lexapro), as the first-line treatment for depression because they have fewer serious side effects.

How to Cure Depression

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Treating Chronic Depression with Disciplined Personal Involvement: Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP)

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This volume describes in detail what disciplined personal involvement is and how it is administered. It empirically challenges one of the oldest prohibitions in the field of psychotherapy: the personal involvement taboo. The book was written during a current four-year national clinical trial sponsored by NIMH involving 910 chronically depressed outpatients being treated at eight sites in the U.S.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Depression - What Really Causes It

!: Depression - What Really Causes It

Many people think they are depressed because they are sad about something terrible that has happened in their life. Maybe they lost a loved one. Maybe they even just lost a job. You may be surprised to find out that outside of physical abnormalities inside the brain, depression is not caused by sadness.

Depression is a very difficult condition to diagnose. In many people, there are no real physical signs, especially in people who have become very good at hiding their feelings. Depression isn't like somebody who falls and breaks his arm where the break is visible to an x-ray. Depression is not something you can see. Not even trained professionals can always correctly diagnose somebody who is clinically depressed. What makes this condition even more difficult to diagnose is the misconception of what causes depression. Outside of those physical abnormalities, depression is not causes by sadness but is caused by conflict.

If you're scratching your head wondering exactly what this means, the best way to explain it is with a hypothetical example.

You're dating a nice girl. You've been dating for quite some time and you fall in love with her. You are so sure that she is the girl of your dreams. Then suddenly you find out something about her that makes you realize that if you were to marry this girl you would have some serious problems. Well, you've got a real problem. You can't live without her because of the way you feel about her but you also know that you're not really going to be happy if you go ahead with the wedding. You are confronted with a serious conflict. If you think this doesn't cause depression you need to think again. This is the major cause of depression.

The reason for it is simple. There's no solution. At least no simple solution. If you break up with the girl then you've lost a really great love. If you marry her, you doom yourself to a life that you know won't be as happy as you were hoping for. Either choice you make, you lose. It's a no win situation until you can resolve the conflict. That is the hard part. That is where psychiatrists can help. They do this by trying to get you to work through which option would be the better of the two. Eventually, after a lot of therapy and a lot of pain, a decision is reached, the conflict is resolved and the depression lifts.

Again, there are types of depression that are actually caused by physical imbalances of certain chemicals in the brain. For these cases of depression, certain drugs can help correct these imbalances and the sufferer can live a normal life. Yes, there are side effects, some of which aren't too pleasant. So the patient needs to keep this in mind.

Depression is a terrible thing. But with the proper treatment, whether it be for chemical imbalances with drugs, or with therapy for emotional conflicts, depression can be controlled and even conquered. It's a life long battle. But it is one that can be won.

Depression - What Really Causes It

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pharmacotherapy for Depression and Treatment-resistant Depression

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This unique ground-breaking work, authored by renowned Harvard-based researchers G I Papakostas and M Fava, represents, by far, the most comprehensive compilation to date of medical studies and reports involving the use of antidepressants for the treatment of major depressive disorder, one of the most prevalent and devastating medical illnesses afflicting mankind today. Given the breadth of the scientific literature focusing on the use of antidepressants for major depressive disorder, this work represents an invaluable tool for clinicians as well as scientists in search of a reference manual to help guide them through the field. The book is organized into four parts; each part focusing on a separate theme that will facilitate the reader to precisely access particular information of interest, whether be it clinical or scientific in nature. Each part is then sub-divided into several thematic chapters, which are enriched with tables and figures citing results from the most influential studies in the field. Finally, clinical and research pearls are listed throughout the book in bullet-point fashion to help summarize the available knowledge-base in a user-friendly format.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Postpartum Depression Treatment - Different Treatment Options

!: Postpartum Depression Treatment - Different Treatment Options

A mother who is experiencing any of the signs or symptoms of postpartum depression should definitely obtain professional treatment. If left untreated, postpartum depression can go on for a very long time, even up to a year or more. Most of the time, postpartum depression or anxiety will respond to the same types of treatments that are used for regular depression.

Therapy, support groups and medication can be a great help.

Psychotherapy. Known to be extremely effective in treating postpartum depression, psychotherapy can consist of either group or individual therapy. Many mothers do not want to take medication because they are breastfeeding, and psychotherapy is a popular option.

Interpersonal therapy, or IPT, is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on interpersonal relationships and issues. It is thought to be very effective in treating postpartum depression.

Hormone Replacement Therapy. In some cases, hormone replacement therapy using estrogen can be an effective way to treat postpartum depression. Estrogen is used in combination with an antidepressant drug. It is recommended that you discuss hormone replacement therapy with your physician to determine the type of treatment that would be safest and most effective for you.

Antidepressant Medications. Antidepressant medication should be an option whenever a mother has a severe case of postpartum depression and is not able to care for herself or her baby. This type of treatment should be used in combination with therapy and should always be closely monitored by a physician.

Medications can easily be passed onto a nursing infant through breast milk, but research shows that levels of tricyclic antidepressants reaching a baby through breast milk are undetectable or extremely low. Even so, some nursing babies have been reported to have adverse reactions.

Treatment Through Self Help. Relaxation, a healthy diet and sufficient sleep are always excellent. The best way a woman can help herself is by finding people to talk with about her feelings and emotions. Finding people to assist with child care, running errands and doing housework will help a mother get the rest she needs. It has also been shown that keeping a diary or record of your thoughts, emotions and feelings can make you feel better and help track any progress you make.

Postpartum depression can be dealt with in several ways, including changing ones' lifestyle and alternative treatment options. It is important that you learn as much as you can about your depression and determine whether your symptoms might be due to some other medical condition. If that is the case, that condition should be treated first.

You should realize that the more acute and severe your depression is, the more intensive the treatment will be. At first, it might take some time to find the type of treatment that will be best for you. You might need to go through some trial and error to find the best therapist. The key is to be patient and open to change and experimentation. A woman should never solely rely on medication.

Although medication is effective in the treatment of postpartum depression, side effects are possible and in the end, using therapy along with medication offers advantages.

Research has also shown that lifestyle changes such as proper nutrition, regular exercise, social support and plenty of sleep are some of the most effective ways a woman can reduce her stress.

Postpartum Depression Treatment - Different Treatment Options

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Treatment Plans and Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Disorders

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This one-of-a-kind resource provides the busy practitioner with empirically supported treatments for seven frequently encountered disorders: major depression, generalized anxiety, panic and agoraphobia, PTSD, social phobia, specific phobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Serving as ready-to-use treatment packages, chapters describe basic cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques and how to tailor them to each disorder. Also featured are diagnostic flow charts; therapist forms for assessment and record keeping; client handouts and homework sheets; and session-by-session case examples. Tips for troubleshooting common therapeutic roadblocks are presented, as are strategies for ensuring third-party payment authorization. The searchable CD-ROM enables clinicians to rapidly generate individualized treatment plans, print extra copies of therapist and client forms, find the facts about commonly prescribed medications, and learn more about cognitive-behavioral techniques. Facilitating effective treatment that is adapted to the realities of the typical outpatient setting, including the demands of managed care, this book and CD-ROM will be prized by novice and experienced clinicians alike.

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Asthma - Types, Causes, and Treatment

!: Asthma - Types, Causes, and Treatment

Asthma can strike at any age, half of all Cases first occur in children under age 10; in this age group, asthma affects twice as many boys as girls. It is one of the leading causes of respiratory illness among children and young adults, however, this condition may progress a lifetime. It's estimated 17-million Americans suffer from asthma.

Asthma is a reversible lung disease characterized by obstruction or narrowing of the airways. It may resolve spontaneously or with treatment. Its symptoms range from mild wheezing and shortness of breathe (dyspnea) to life-threatening respiratory failure. Symptoms may persist between acute episodes.

People with asthma do not have a problem inhaling, but rather, a problem exhaling. Airways open up during inhalation with the lowering of the diaphragm as the ribs move out making the lungs bigger allowing air to move around any obstruction. However, when the person exhales, as the rib cage relaxes the diaphragm slides up, preventing the air from getting around the obstruction.


Extrinsic asthma results from sensitivity to specific external allergens. In Cases in which the allergen isn't obvious, it's referred to as intrinsic asthma.

Extrinsic asthma usually begins in childhood and is accompanied by other manifestations of atopy -- A hereditary disorder marked by the tendency to develop immediate allergic reactions to substances such as pollen, food, dander, insect venoms, house dust or mold, kapok or feather pillows, food additives containing sulfites, or similar allergic conditions.

In intrinsic asthma, no external allergen can be identified. Most Cases are preceded by a severe respiratory infection. Irritants, emotional stress, fatigue, exposure to noxious fumes, changes in temperature, and changes in humidity, may aggravate intrinsic asthma attacks. In many asthmatics, intrinsic and extrinsic asthma coexist.

Several drugs and chemicals may provoke an asthma attack. Examples of these substances include aspirin, various nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and yellow food dye (tartrazine). Exercise may also provoke an asthma attack. In exercise-induced asthma, bronchospasm may follow heat and moisture loss in the upper airways.

An asthma attack may begin dramatically, with simultaneous onset of many severe symptoms, or insidiously, with gradually increasing respiratory distress. It typically includes the following signs or symptoms or some conbination of them:

- progressively worsening shortness of breath

- cough

- wheezing

- chest tightness.

During an acute attack, the cough sounds tight and dry. As the attack subsides, thick mucus is produced (except in young children, who don't expectorate). Between acute attacks, breath sounds may be normal.

The intensity of breath sounds in symptomatic asthma is typically reduced. A prolonged phase of forced expiration is typical of airflow obstruction. Evidence of lung hyperinflation (use of accessory muscles, for example) is particularly common in children. Acute attacks may be accompanied by tachycardia, tachypnea, and diaphoresis. In severe attacks, the patient may be unable to speak more than a few words without pausing for breath. Cyanosis (a bluish or purplish tinge to the skin and mucous membranes), confusion, and lethargy indicate the onset of respiratory failure.


Treatment of acute asthma aims to decrease inflammation, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, bronchial airway swelling, and increase pulmonary ventilation. After an acute episode, treatment focuses on avoiding or removing precipitating factors, such as environmental allergens or irritants.

If asthma is caused by a particular virus, bacterium, toxin, or other foreign substance, it may be treated by desensitizing the patient through a series of injections of limited amounts of the antigen causing the attack. The aim is to curb the patient's immune response to the antigen.


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Asthma - Types, Causes, and Treatment

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